Refund Policy
Once we process your refund, you will receive an email confirmation from the credit card processor (your bank). At this point, we no longer possess your funds, nor are we holding them; therefore, we cannot take any further action. The funds have already been deducted from our account, and we no longer have access to them. We are unable to track what the bank does after processing the refund, so you will need to wait until the refund appears in your account. Please note that this may take a few days, depending on your bank. Unfortunately, there is nothing more we can do at this stage. The refund process is handled by your bank, not LabMax. Calling us will not expedite the process, as it is beyond our control. If you have any concerns, please contact your bank directly.

Return Policy
You may return new, unopened items within 14 days of the delivery date for a refund. Please note that we cannot refund shipping costs, as this amount is paid to the courier and cannot be recovered. In some cases, we may pay more for shipping than we charge our customers, and the courier does not issue refunds for returned items. We can only obtain a refund from the courier if the item is lost in transit. Simply pack and return your item—no questions asked.

You may cancel your order at any time before it has shipped to receive a full refund, including shipping costs. Please note that there are bank fees associated with each transaction, and we may need to deduct a small fee to cover these expenses. This applies to all refunds, as the bank does not refund these fees.

If your goods are damaged and you provide proof, such as pictures, we will send a replacement. We have had customers claim that the UV light does not work because they installed the battery incorrectly or used a discharged battery, so please refrain from making exaggerated claims. All UV lights are tested before shipping. Please be aware that we cannot ship batteries by air to overseas customers, so do not press the switch until you have inserted the battery. If you press the switch forcefully while the chamber is empty (without a battery), it may cave in. Instead, unscrew the top and gently push it out.

Lost / Not Received
If your order is lost or not received, it will be reshipped. We do not offer refunds for lost or undelivered orders; instead, we will send a replacement. By placing your order, you agree to these conditions. If you do not agree, you may cancel your order for a refund before it has shipped. Additionally, you will receive a confirmation email after placing your order, reminding you to review and agree to these terms.


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