Refurbished Agilent 1100, 6 months warranty. Windows XP, ChemStation. Training, installation extra. $13,000.00 USD

GCMS Agilent 6890/5973, 6 months warranty. Windows XP, ChemStation. Training, installation extra. $25,000.00 USD

Refurbished Waters HPLC, 6 months warranty. Waters 996 PDA detector, 600 controller, 626 pump, manual injector, column heater.
Computer with Windows XP, Empower 2 software extra. Training and installation extra.
On sale limitied offer $2,900.00 USD

Refurbished UV Spectrophotometer, Agilent 8453, 6 months warranty. $4,700.00 USD

Refurbished IR Spectrophotometer, Perkin Elmer, Spectrum One, 6 months warranty. $7,900.00 USD